Saturday, May 30, 2020

Knowing English Does Not Make You A Good Writer.

Knowing English Does Not Make You A Good Writer. Home career Knowing English Does Not Make You A Good Writer.careerKnowing English Does Not Make You A Good Writer.By Amit Kumar - December 30, 201524930Facebook Knowing English Does Not Make You A Good Writer.Does knowing or not knowing English really affect your writing skills? I mean yes the English language does add certain credibility in your life but is that all that one needs to become a good writer? Or is there something more which is also needed?English is an universal language. Knowing it helps you get heard throughout the world, but in honest opinion writing needs much more than just English. Just English or knowing English will not make one a good writer, it will although give him/her a head start but to become a good writer one needs much more than just English.The knack of being a writer: Contents hide 1 The knack of being a writer: 2 Imagination: 3 Creativity: 4 A good hold over the language: 5 It does not matter in which language you are writing your piece it can be English, Japanese, French and so on but a good hold over the language is very important, just knowing the language will never be enough to make you a writer, to describe what you are feeling and describing it the right way will be possible only of you have a good hold over the language. Anybody and everybody cannot become a writer, you cannot just go to a football player and ask him/her to write you a story. Thus, the interest or the knack of writing has to be present in a person that is the very first step to becoming a writer, not anyone and everyone who writes is a writer.Imagination:Being a writer obviously requires a lot of imagination. Portraying beautiful scenes and drawing amazing pictures in one’s mind just by using words, is not an easy work. First those pictures need to be created in the writer’s head and then only can he/she put them into words in a way that will wow the world.Creativity:Very similar to imagination, creativity actually deals with how exact ly you present your work. How you present your prose or poetry or script, how you start it, whether the title the gripping enough, whether that first paragraph is good enough to capture everybody’s attention, whether the plot is a good one, whether you’ve been able to put it into words properly, whether at the end there is a twist, all these things fall under creativity. Writing these days cannot be bland and monotonous. It needs to be upbeat, intense and relatable for the audience to actually like it, thus just knowing English will not be enough.A good hold over the language:It does not matter in which language you are writing your piece it can be English, Japanese, French and so on but a good hold over the language is very important, just knowing the language will never be enough to make you a writer, to describe what you are feeling and describing it the right way will be possible only of you have a good hold over the language.So to conclude it is fair to say that just knowin g English will not suffice, the above qualities are also important and very much needed to make somebody a good writer.TAGSGood Writer.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Premium Resume Template Package - Arctic Sleek

Premium Resume Template Package - Arctic Sleek Premium Resume Template Package Arctic Sleek This is an excellent premium resume template package for those with a pixel-perfect eye for detail. With less emphasis on graphics and more focus on the delivery of crucial information, this Sleek Minimalist template package is ideal if you want keep your resume and cover letter amazingly simple, yet professional.Our creative team have come up with many different themes for resume template to help you convey your talents in great style. This one is no exception, and the Sleek Minimalist edge and clever colour combinations used really help to deliver your key information without all the fuss and unnecessary flair commonly seen in lesser quality templates.Each premium resume pack includes:A professionally designed and striking resume template in Word format (US letter size)A matching cover letter in Word format to go with your resumeA job interview tracker in print-ready PDF format Buy Now $14Our handy job interview tracker is a great way to help keep a visual track of your job appli cations and interview dates all in one place.It is so easy to order. Simply choose the Sleek Minimalist package and add it to your basket. After   checkout you can easily download and save your file immediately without any wait. You can then open your file in Microsoft Word and begin to edit the template with your information.You can save your resume template and cover letter in Word and it will always be there ready for you to edit and amend should you need to tweak it again in future while applying for different jobs or adding new skills, qualifications or work experience. Nothing could be simpler! Buy your resume template today. previous article Key Skills That All Resumes Need next article What does my body language tell my interviewer? you might also likeSmart Portfolio Complete Resume Pack

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Financial freedom is outdated; try optimism instead

Financial freedom is outdated; try optimism instead I am sick of advice about how to achieve financial freedom. Freedom from what? I have asked some people, who I will not link to, since Im dissing them, and the most common answer is that they want to be able to make decisions about their life based on what they want, not on what they can afford. HELLO???? Can everyone standing in line to buy a Lear Jet please get a reality check? You do not need a plane to be happy, you need a plane to go visit the people who make you happy. A jet is not an expression of financial freedom. Its an expression of your decision to not live near the people who mean the most to you. I think the root of the idea of financial freedom means freedom from having to do a job you dont like. But this thinking comes from the baby boomers who felt compelled to climb ladders doing jobs that destroyed their personal life. Today we dont do that. Many people of ladder-climbing age today dont believe its worth the trouble. Today you can hold out to get a job you love at the beginning of your career. Financial freedom is not a prerequisite. Financial freedom is becoming an outdated goal for todays workers. Jim Buckmaster, chief executive of Craigslist, mystified Wall St. analysts when he explained that hes not interested in building a megacompany, and he just wants to maintain Craigslist as a company that gives people what they need (via the tweney review). But I think most people are not so much mystified as just plain grateful for the down-to-earth attitude at Craigslist. And plenty of research shows that the people at Craigslist have the right attitude; its futile to make money a career goal since youll never feel like you have enough. You know what really determines our happiness levels? Not money, but how optimistic we are and how often we have monogamous sex. Money cannot solve big problems, like cancer or world hunger or happiness. Money solves small problems, like, can you have a big wedding, can you go on a good trip. Small problems are what people talk about when they talk about I can help you get financial freedom. But why spend your life figuring out how to get rid of small problems with money? You can work hard to make yourself a more optimistic person, and then you will be able to overcome most small problems. So lets stop talking about financial freedom and start talking about learned optimism. Optimism is the ability to see the world in a positive light. Optimists are happier people, and there is no reason why everyone shouldnt attempt to think more optimistically. Dont tell me a happy outlook will squash your creativity. Part of creative production is the manic optimistic self-confidence that what you are thinking of is a great idea. How does this relate to careers? Once you make the switch to thinking like an optimist you will have real freedom freedom to do what will be fulfilling and accommodate your personal life instead of what will make you rich.

Monday, May 18, 2020

For Gods sake, do the first thing on your to do list first

For Gods sake, do the first thing on your to do list first Melissa says to me, The reason youre not writing is because youre hiding. And if you hide something from blog readers you cant cope. So you dont write. I tell Melissa, If youre going to move to New York then David  should put some of his huge salary in your bank account. Melissa says, Dont change the subject when you cant face reality. I say, You shouldnt relocate for a boyfriend to a city where he is making a boatload and youre not. You should pay me more. Yeah. I should make ten million dollars a day and pay you five. You can pay me from your new startup. No. Really. Its a real company. I cant put you on the PL when there are investors. There is no line on the PL for Penelopes friend. I can tell youre going to put this conversation on the blog. If youre going to complain about David not giving me money, dont use Davids name. Im using his name. Hes an ISTJ. He doesnt care about me using his name. He just cares that hes right. So Ill just tell everyone: David is smart. He is right all the time because when he isnt going to be right, he doesnt talk. Can you delete that last part, about not talking? No. There is a conversation intermission where Melissa sends me links like the one about the Jewish intellectual writing about the sociopolitics inside the state prison where hes locked up. Then I talk on the phone to people who I am probably late for. But people who know me know that I am late for lots of calls, and maybe they dont notice anymore. Then theres a break for me to eat some candy out of my kids Halloween candy which I bought from them, in October, because candy is evil. I stashed it and forgot about it. But I just found it and Im working on the Twizzlers and then going to Snickers. Melissa is not eating.  She doesnt eat. She is anorexic in a high functioning way. Like a high-functioning alcoholic. If you saw her, she would eat. Like, if you saw an alcoholic, theyd drink lemonade, straight up. Melissa calls me later to bug me about Davids name on the blog. I say, I have to use Davids name because Im using Rogers name. Whos Roger? The guy advising the startup Im joining. I thought you cant write about the startup. I get off the phone. I cannot talk about the startup with Melissa because she is really excited to work there and then I get nervous its going to be another case of all my friends at one startup and me having a nervous breakdown that we are out of funding and my friends are going to lose their jobs and starve. The startup is a secret because Im not really working there yet, and no one is going to want their name on this blog, except for Roger. In our first conversation he brought up the Menendez trial. I said, Thats my favorite trial! Did you read about it? Its from the 90s. Heres a link. Two boys killed their parents. I impress Roger with my knowledge of the case and say, I thought the child abuse claim was really persuasive when the boys said they gave their dad cinnamon to eat becuase it changes the taste of semen. It turns out that Roger testified at the trial. He says the dad really was the worst person he ever met. Roger has principles. Good. Thats important if Im joining the company. Also, Roger is 60something with a young daughter and I expect him to be married to a 20something model, but hes married to a 49something entrepreneur. Hell be good for me. I ask  Ed, an investor from Brazen Careerist,  if he thinks I should join this new company. Ed says you forget how terrible and hard startups are when youre in between startups, but then you remember when youre there. And they really just ruin your life. I am paraphrasing. Because hes actually running Brazen Careerist now, and surely hed want to tell you that the company is doing great and he loves it. But I love him because hes honest. The guys a millionaire a million times over and hes not sugar coating the startup world. Roger is not sugar coating either. Its just that I cant give you details because Roger is not as used to working with me. Ed can put up with anything. I need that in a co-worker. Its why I work with Melissa. I am scared to do another startup which is why I cant even tell you. For other people, signing the papers would be the big commitment. For me, its naming the company on my blog. Matthew tried to talk with me three times today and I was too preoccupied with the new company to pay attention to him. I forgot to say goodbye when I left. He called me to tell me that Ive been oblivious to him. He is a very low maintenance guy. For him to say that is a big deal. And I had flashbacks to when I launched my last company, and I didnt pay attention to anything but the company  and then, before I knew it, I was getting a divorce. So while I was on the phone talking about the new cap chart for the company, I got waxed. Everything off! I said, with the mute button on. Maybe making time for waxing keeps marriages to entrepreneurs from falling apart. But the odds are bad. I see myself slipping into startup hell again and its like anorexia or alcoholism: Im just hoping that I can look high-functioning. Heres what you need to know about startups: being the tenth person in a startup is fine. If you like working long hours on projects that constantly get cancelled, then startup life is for you. But being responsible for the funding of the company, finding a profitable business mode, getting the company off the ground,  these are jobs for crazy people. Because its so disruptive to your life that its questionable whether its worth it. Especially if you have kids. And now at last, I am coming to my point. And you will see the title of this post is not a mistake. My editor saw this post and said, Remember how you told me that your mom gets all her information about your life from your blog? Well, you should send this post to her. Because shes the only one who will care. So I did what every good writer does in the face of rejection: Hate myself and cease all forms of genuine productivity. My first phase of non-productivity is making a list most important thing on top with a star. Then I get another pen and outline the star. I buy Jelly  pens that ooze ink to make runny gooshy outlines of star shapes. I could do a whole page of  stars    anything to avoid dealing with not having a blog post. Its not like I dont have ideas. I have a confidence problem. Its so much easier to do things on the list that dont matter. Sometimes I think the point of making a to do list is so I can organize things into categories: things I must do to be happy and things I will do to procrastinate making myself happy. I do the things on the list that do not have stars: I call Rob at TypeCoach and scream at him that I hate his new web page. I tell him my readers would all buy an in-depth report of their personality type if they could find it. I say, How can you be so good at personality type and so terrible at web design? He solves the problem by giving me a custom URL on his site  so I dont have to see pages I hate. I cut a couple of deals for doing PR on my blog  and I get a lot of money from them and I immediately go shopping on Anthropologie. Research says that shopping is a good way to make you feel better. But not when what you really want to do is post on your blog. It used to be that research was inadequate because they left out women. Now its inadequate because they leave out bloggers. The last thing I do to procrastinate was sweep. Melissa sent me this link to a $100 French broom. She said its like sunglasses: splurge on something you use every day. So I bought it and it didnt even come with a handle. So I sweep with my $100 broom and I do not feel better about my productivity, although cleaning does make women want to have sex. Unfortunately its when the men clean. And thats doesnt happen here unless you count the pig shit that gets tracked into the kitchen. I sit down to write this post: Forty billion words about how to decide if you should do a startup. But you dont care. Or if you do, heres a post to help you decide   so I dont need another. What you really need to know is that you will ruin your life if you dont do the most important thing on your list every day. We get self-esteem from getting things done that matter. Not everything on our list matters to us. There is stuff that is there because it should be there, like things that involve making money, and there is stuff there because it fills our soul. You have to do the stuff that makes you feel good about yourself. Do it first. I put it off for a week, and it ruined my week. Doing that first thing takes extra focus because the thing that matters most is the thing thats hardest to do its easier to do something when theres nothing at stake. Its why one-night stands are always the best sex. And actually, I think thats the big risk for me in doing another startup: Im scared that my attention will be too splintered and I wont write on the blog enough to feel good about myself. Im scared Ill get lost on my to do list, and thats the worst way to manage a career.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Skills and Abilities on a Resume

Skills and Abilities on a ResumeOne of the most important things you should learn when you are applying for a job is how to highlight your skills and abilities on a resume. Unfortunately, the average resume has very little focus on these things.So, what do you want people to know about your skills and abilities? Do you want them to know that you are great at writing reports? Are you hoping that they will be impressed with your coding abilities?Before you apply for a job, you want to be able to properly highlight your skills and abilities. In fact, you might want to spend some time studying your own skill sets before you apply for a job. You should be able to identify how well you communicate with others, or how well you can think on your feet.Many jobs require some level of technology skills, so make sure that you have them listed somewhere on your resume, so that the employer can see that you can handle the technology on a daily basis. If you don't, they may not want to give you a j ob.If you have some programming experience but have never used a specific computer language, then you should state this up front in your resume. However, if you have some knowledge of a particular language, but it is not related to programming, then it is okay to mention it as long as you tell the employer who you did get that experience from.Many jobs in the field of IT require experience with computers and tech support jobs. If you are a member of a technical support company, or you have had some IT training, then you may want to take this information on your resume as well. It is important to be able to mention that you have experience with computers and tech support as this is a key factor in many IT jobs.A good letter of intent is extremely important for any employer to read. As soon as you send out an email regarding your skills and abilities on a resume, the first thing a potential employer will want to know is how you were able to get the experience you have. The employer wi ll want to see how you would perform in a position that requires a lot of technical expertise, or a job that requires them to do some programming work.A recruiter should be able to help you get the information you need to land the position you want. Make sure that you tell them where you gained the experience and what you gained from it so that they can understand your skills and abilities on a resume.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Decision Making...Does it come from the head or the heart

Decision Making...Does it come from the head or the heart There are tough choices to make in lifewell, thats an understatement! For every difficult decision youve made, how did you feel once it was over?   Relieved? Personally, I recently struggled with this.   The decision didnt directly impact me, but it was important.   I found I needed a framework to help me clearly differentiate my emotions from my logical thinking.   I also found listening to other peoples views was extremely beneficial to my reaching a decision. So the next time youre feeling overwhelmed making a choice, decision, or taking a standconsider using a decision making matrix.   It might look something like this: Decision Making Matrix for Job Options How It Works? Just in case it isnt obvious. Step One: List the criteria that is important to your reaching a decision. Step Two: Across the top list the different options you are faced with or considering Step Three: Rate each option against the criteria (Use 1-5 where a 1 is a poor match and 5 is great match) Step Four: Tally the numbers Step Five: The highest number seems to best meet your criteria You can download an Excel sheet here. Decision Making Matrix I think decisions come from the head and the heart, perhaps even the gut.   You just want to make sure that you feel good about the decision you reached.   What do you think?   Have you ever made a decision with the heart? How did that work out?

Friday, May 8, 2020

Anatomy of a Perfect Small Business Instagram Profile [Infographic]

Anatomy of a Perfect Small Business Instagram Profile [Infographic] There are almost 3 billion social media users around the world today. If you’re a small business that wants to connect with your customers in the digital space, you probably understand the importance of a solid social media strategy. If you want to stand out against the competition, tell your brand’s story, and build lasting customer relationships, leveraging social media is an opportunity you can’t afford to pass up on. You understand the importance of social media for your small business, but which platform do you choose? Instagram may seem like the obvious choice when it comes to visual storytelling and brand-building. But seeing significant ROI on the platform requires a lot more than just posting an aesthetically pleasing photo every day. This infographic from Fundera walks you through everything you need to know as a small business Instagram user â€" from creating the perfect bio and sharing the right mix of content to perfecting your engagement strategy.