Friday, May 8, 2020

Anatomy of a Perfect Small Business Instagram Profile [Infographic]

Anatomy of a Perfect Small Business Instagram Profile [Infographic] There are almost 3 billion social media users around the world today. If you’re a small business that wants to connect with your customers in the digital space, you probably understand the importance of a solid social media strategy. If you want to stand out against the competition, tell your brand’s story, and build lasting customer relationships, leveraging social media is an opportunity you can’t afford to pass up on. You understand the importance of social media for your small business, but which platform do you choose? Instagram may seem like the obvious choice when it comes to visual storytelling and brand-building. But seeing significant ROI on the platform requires a lot more than just posting an aesthetically pleasing photo every day. This infographic from Fundera walks you through everything you need to know as a small business Instagram user â€" from creating the perfect bio and sharing the right mix of content to perfecting your engagement strategy.  

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