Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Decision Making...Does it come from the head or the heart

Decision Making...Does it come from the head or the heart There are tough choices to make in lifewell, thats an understatement! For every difficult decision youve made, how did you feel once it was over?   Relieved? Personally, I recently struggled with this.   The decision didnt directly impact me, but it was important.   I found I needed a framework to help me clearly differentiate my emotions from my logical thinking.   I also found listening to other peoples views was extremely beneficial to my reaching a decision. So the next time youre feeling overwhelmed making a choice, decision, or taking a standconsider using a decision making matrix.   It might look something like this: Decision Making Matrix for Job Options How It Works? Just in case it isnt obvious. Step One: List the criteria that is important to your reaching a decision. Step Two: Across the top list the different options you are faced with or considering Step Three: Rate each option against the criteria (Use 1-5 where a 1 is a poor match and 5 is great match) Step Four: Tally the numbers Step Five: The highest number seems to best meet your criteria You can download an Excel sheet here. Decision Making Matrix I think decisions come from the head and the heart, perhaps even the gut.   You just want to make sure that you feel good about the decision you reached.   What do you think?   Have you ever made a decision with the heart? How did that work out?

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